GEOG 1 – World Regional Geography

NOTE: The following is an archive of the class material I offered as a Professor at Hofstra University (1999-2024).

Provides an introduction to the world’s major regions and their physical, social, cultural, political, and economic characteristics and interactions.

As the media constantly reminds us, we live in a complex and interdependent world in which individual states find their destinies very much linked to occurrences elsewhere. Geography provides the basis for developing an understanding of world events and how they may have an impact on us. Theoretically and empirically, it considers physical and human landscapes and seeks to explain the spatial distribution of various global phenomena. The main objectives of the course are:

  • Acquaint the student with the various regions of the world and their underlying uniqueness and complexities.
  • Understand the relationships between physical features and human features.
  • Provide the student with cartographic literacy about the main geographical features of the world.

PowerPoint Slides

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