GS 01 – Introduction to Global Studies

NOTE: The following is an archive of the class material I offered as a Professor at Hofstra University (1999-2024).

Globalization is a commonly used to reflect the growing economic, social and cultural interrelations between regions of the world. This course analyses the diverse process of globalization through a variety of perspectives. Global studies are a broad field which is reflected in the interdisciplinary nature of the course.

The course is divided into two main parts. The first is to consider the economic dimensions of globalization, paying particular attention to the debates about this process and the effect that globalization has on regions, nations, cities, communities, and people. The second part of the course is more directly concerned with the political, social, and cultural dimensions of globalization, particularly the debates about governance, global cities, the homogenization of culture, and migration. The course then concludes with a discussion of how globalization may unfold in the future.

The main objectives of the course are:

  • Students will be familiarized with the political and economic processes of globalization, particularly as they relate to concepts such as capitalism, trade, and transportation and their impacts on economic, cultural, and social activities.
  • Students will be introduced to demographic, social, and cultural attributes such as migration, cultural identity, and changing gender roles.
  • Students will learn the relationships between the global, the regional, and the local, particularly how places are inserted in regional and global processes.
  • Students will understand the concept of place and how it is connected to people’s sense of belonging to the physical environment, landscape, and culture.

PowerPoint Slides